“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
NJ For Health Care is working hard to uphold its 5 core principles:
- Guaranteed Access to Affordable, Comprehensive Health Care for all New Jerseyans
- Ensure Health Insurers offer and administer plans that are compliant with requirements of the law
- Improve the Quality of Care for All New Jerseyans
- Reduce and Contain Costs to Assure Affordable Coverage
- Preventive Care
Here are some of the initiatives we are working on right now:

Cover All Kids
When kids have access to health care, they are more likely to succeed in school and have better health and economic outcomes as adults. The NJ Family Care statute has been amended to improve and expand coverage to more children and families.
The program was structured to allow children not currently eligible for CHIP to receive the same benefits at the same cost as children in CHIP. Those who exceed the current CHIP income threshold of 355% would be able to buy-into the program. NJ Family Care Advantage would also provide affordable, quality health coverage to populations not currently eligible for CHIP or ACA coverage – undocumented children, immigrants under the 5-year bar, DACA recipients, those in the family glitch etc.
For more information, click here.
Additional resources from our coalition partner, New Jersey Policy Perspective:

Lower Prescription Drugs
Big pharmaceutical corporations have raised prices so high that millions of Americans can’t afford medicines needed to treat illnesses, manage their health, and take care of their families. Prices in the US are higher than other nations and were 256 percent of those in the 32 comparison countries combined according to a study.
1 in 5 adults in NJ don’t fill a prescription or skip doses of prescribed drugs. Almost half of New Jersey adults are worried about affording prescription drugs. We need real reform and change to stay ahead of the curve.
A Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB), a 5-member independent board and advisory council of diverse stakeholders, would create actual policy recommendations and require legislative action and work for us, the people. Click here to learn more.

Mental Health Prevention & Intervention For Youth
Youth substance misuse, mental illness, and suicide have reached alarming levels in many New Jersey communities. The state has incurred substantial costs for its taxpayers in increased health care utilization, incarceration, and diminished labor force participation, to say nothing of the many thousands of young lives lost to New Jersey families and communities. As troubling as these circumstances are, youth substance misuse and mental health problems can be prevented and interrupted early on, before they undermine the futures of today’s adolescents.
An evidenced-based, early intervention, cost-effective tool known as SBIRT – Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment – can help NJ schools fulfill this mandate. SBIRT has been shown to have the following benefits:
• reduce youth substance use and address mental health issues early on
• prevent the occurrence of substance use disorders later in life
• improve academic performance
• reinforce the behavior of abstinent students
Click on the links below for additional information and resources:
Educating New Jerseyans on Coverage Options and Enrollment
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans have gained health coverage. Our coalition continues to work in communities across the state to connect more New Jerseyans to coverage. Approximately 9 percent of NJ continues to be without health insurance even though it is state law to have health insurance. Failure to have health coverage or qualify for an exemption will result in a penalty. The good news is that coverage is more affordable than you might think. Last year, 9 out of 10 enrollees received financial help to pay for their health insurance.
New Jersey has its own state exchange that allows New Jerseyans to shop for and enroll in health coverage directly through GetCovered.NJ.gov. We are now able to extend the length of time open enrollment lasts and offer more affordable coverage options.
The annual open enrollment period is from November 1 to January 31. However, for those who experience life changes throughout the year such as a change in employment, marital status, or citizenship and those eligible for New Jersey’s Medicaid program, NJ Family Care, can apply during special enrollment period, from February 1 to October 31. Visit GetCovered.NJ.gov to find out more about your coverage options and how to enroll.

Protecting New Jersey’s Health Care
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ is the state’s largest insurer. Incorporated as a charitable health services corporation, they have a unique mission to serve the health care needs of the people of NJ. Horizon has proposed a new organizational structure that would essentially becoming a for-profit stock company. Horizon is trying to circumvent established law that requires the full fair market value of their assets to be placed in a trust for the people of New Jersey upon conversion.
FY 2023 budget will likely consider the $600 million payment Horizon must make if their application to restructure submitted to DOBI in February 2021 is ultimately approved. These funds are being paid from Horizon’s reserves – accumulated premium contributions of NJ residents.
Tell your legislator to hold Horizon accountable. Click here for our fact sheet, and here for more information.